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Here is My Plan

January 1st is rolling around again and this means that we start making those resolutions (again). I love that this is a time to reflect and to consider how we want to be better in the coming year. We all have ways in which we can change ourselves. And while change is the hardest thing to actually achieve, we all have the capacity to do it! Having real, attainable goals and expectations of yourself is key. Nobody is perfect and shooting for perfection is just going to make you feel defeated. Instead, I encourage you to focus on consistency. Keep revisiting your goals, keep showing up, keep on trucking along. If you fall off track, just get right back on! That is how you get results! Be consistent, be consistent, be consistent!

I want to share with you my own personal goals for 2024. While they may not be the same as yours, I hope they provide some motivation and guidance for a holistic approach to greater health and happiness.

Focus on Nutrient Dense, Whole Foods Diet

I follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. This diet works really well for me because it helps to keep my colitis under control. It is also full of nutrition, eliminates all processed foods, and keeps my blood work looking good. My blood sugar is in control, my inflammatory markers are low, and my nutrient levels are optimal. My plan is to stick to this diet because I want to optimize my health.

Along with eating right, I find that monitoring my blood work and tailoring my supplements gives me the best results. I encourage you to do the same (this is where I can really help you- schedule your appointment now).

Whole foods diet

I also want a healthy body composition. I wrote about my thoughts on this here. What I eat and how much I eat is key to this goal. I want a healthy amount of muscle and fat, and I want to look good naked (!). This past year, I played around with tracking my macronutrient intake using an app called Macrostax and it was HARD! While I enjoyed some aspects of it, it seemed tedious and impractical especially when I ate out or was on vacation. I am planning on trying again, because I did learn a lot, and I know that if I can be consistent I can make some gains.

I also want to make tracking a priority because I know it could help so many of you! Changing the composition of your body from less fat to more muscle is hard. I would argue that being aware of exactly what you eat is the key to making faster, longer lasting changes.

It is always easier to be consistent with a diet when you take a day to plan your meals for the week ahead. I do this every week before going to the grocery store so that I have all the right food in the house. Tracking macronutrients also requires planning, because I need to know every day not just what I am going to eat but how much I am eating. So, planning is essential. I wrote about my strategy for meal planning here.

weight training

Prioritize Strategic Movement

I am already super consistent with exercise because I have been in the habit of doing it nearly every day for 25-30 years. I keep it on my list of improvements to make because I want to stay strong and healthy for many, many more years to come. My goals are to build and maintain muscle mass, stability, and cardiovascular health. I am in constant training for a long and active life. I want to be able to climb big hills, ski, dance, walk long distances, get off the floor, open jars, travel, lift my suitcase over my head, etc. I want to be able to catch myself from falling, prevent injuries, and stave off illness.

My plan to achieve these things is to show up and do it. Every day. Even when I don’t feel like it, I get up and make myself do it. I work out in the morning, first thing, because that is what works for me. It is part of my daily schedule; something that I do not put off until later, knowing that, for me, if I reschedule it, it will not get done.

It is also important, when it comes to movement and exercise, to keep it interesting. If I start to get bored, I find a new workout class or join a new program.

Strengthen Social Connections

I really believe that relationships are the hardest, and the most important, part of being human. And I am talking about all the ways in which we relate to each other and to ourselves. There is so much misunderstanding and miscommunication, hurt feelings and assumptions. This new year, I want to really place importance on strengthening my relationships.

I want to make sure that I am actively reaching out to my family and friends. I can make more phone calls, plan more social events, and try to strengthen the bonds that I already have. In the same thread, I want to be open to meeting new people and making new friends. I have a couple of interests and have thought about joining some classes or a book club 


so that I can participate in activities with new people. I am going to push my comfort zone and be open to new experiences.

In my desire to connect more, I know that I need to keep my heart open and lead with love and compassion. I am working to practice active listening and to not be invested in always trying to solve the problem, because often, we all just want to be heard.

Have more fun

Have More Fun

I find myself getting in my own way. I often say no because I don’t want to be uncomfortable (too hot, too cold, too wet, too far, too dark, too scary, too different, etc.). This year, I want to lead with yes, and know that my discomfort is an opportunity for a different experience- one that might be bad but will likely actually be great.

I don’t want to sit on the side and watch everyone else have fun, I want to get in there and be in the middle of it!

Whatever your goals are for 2024, I hope they are big and bold. I hope you take control of your life (cuz who else is going to?) and live, every day, the way you want it to be. Happy New Year!

Dr. Eliza

Call me today to if you have any questions about setting healthy goals and being consistent in the new year or to schedule your appointment today!


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