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After six very meaningful years of employment with Vail Valley Pharmacy, I have decided to make a change in my professional life.

It is with great excitement that I have taken a position with Vail Health Behavioral Health. My office will be at the Wiegers Mental Health Clinic located at the Edwards Community Health Campus at 439 Edwards Access Blvd.

I am shifting my focus of practice to mental health. I will bring root cause, integrative and functional medicine into a space that has a particular need for a holistic perspective. We need to recognize and emphasize the importance of the mind-body connection; the intimate relationship between mental health and physical health.
Over the past several years, we have witnessed the immense need for mental health support in our valley – and across the world.

Two years ago, I enrolled in a year long Integrative Psychiatry fellowship program and completed my coursework excited to make a greater impact on my patients and our community. Vail Health Behavioral Health is truly a pioneer in trying to change the way that mental health is treated. My employment there is only one of the exciting new innovations to come!

I have had so much joy meeting you, the customers of the Vail Valley Pharmacy. I enjoy helping you better your health by making supplement recommendations, writing these blog posts, and creating healthy recipes for you. I hope that you have learned from me. This pharmacy is a lovely community space and every day I will miss seeing your smiling faces.

I whole-heartedly will continue to support Bruce and Susie and the pharmacy. I will be behind the scenes making sure the pharmacy shelves stay stocked with the latest and greatest products, and that the pharmacists stay up-to-date with that information so they can best help you.

If you have mental health needs that you want to address from an integrative, functional medicine perspective, you can find me through Vail Health Behavioral Health. I hope to provide you with personalized, comprehensive mental health care.

My last day here at the pharmacy is Feb 29, 2024. Please stop in and say hello!