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I have been very pulled in multiple directions, just like all of us, during this pandemic. I have tried to be very open and honest with you about all of it, through both my blog articles and my Facebook posts, because I want you to know that I am human, I question things, and I am, like you, scared and now, exhausted by this virus. I have investigated research papers, listened to extremely intelligent colleagues, and had my own experience in working with patients who have been affected by COVID. I still worry. I still question. I am torn. I wanted to give you an update on my thoughts on the pandemic.

I still look at things through a very foggy crystal ball. I don’t know what the future holds. We are in a once in a 100 year pandemic situation. This is crazy, unknown, uncertain, scary.

Through all of this, I have trusted medical professionals and the science to which they have dedicated their lives. I think the FDA and CDC have done their best with what they know; as have the pharmaceutical companies and doctors. This virus is strange and new. New discoveries are being made all the time, all around the world. I have to trust myself and what I know, and the people who are in the trenches studying this virus, the vaccines, and the treatments. They have access to more information and tools than I do. Do these professionals get some things wrong? Of course! I honestly believe that they are doing the best that they can in this situation. In reality, without them, we would have nothing- no information, no vaccine, no treatments. Are they making money? Yes- that is their job. Are the pharmaceutical companies making bank off the vaccine? Yes- again, this is what they do.

I am not blind- there is a lot the FDA, CDC, mainstream doctors, and pharmaceutical companies do that I am in complete disagreement with. I do not ascribe to the mainstream healthcare system that believes in covering symptoms with drugs that act as bandaids. I do not agree with the free use of many pollutants in our environment. I do not like that companies and people make money on making us and keeping us sick. That includes all of the industries involved in “health” care, our government, and our food industry.

However, we are in a global pandemic. These industries, while they have their issues, and big ones at that, are also those working to get us through the other side to a time without COVID- just like they did with Smallpox, Polio, and all of the other vaccine-preventable diseases.

Don’t get me wrong. We all have our personal responsibility to stay healthy. I do think we should all be healthy. I think we need optimal vitamin D levels (for reasons including but not limited to the fact that it helps to prevent serious COVID infections). There is so much more than this and this alone is not enough to prevent COVID.However, the sad truth of the matter is that not many of us are actually truly healthy.We ignore our nutrition, our sleep, our stress, and our exercise. We eat sugar, fried foods, and ultra processed foods knowing they are bad but convincing ourselves it is worth it, we deserve it, it doesn’t hurt us. We drink too much, eat too much, and depend on medications to control the diseases that are caused by our unhealthy lives.
Healthy Lifestyle
I believe in the prevention of disease (which is much easier than disease reversal). I believe in a healthy environment with clean air, clean water, and clean soil. I believe in healthy, whole foods, quality sleep and active lifestyles. I believe that nutrients are essential for optimal health. We have a great deal of control over our own health.And now, we are in a global pandemic. We need to do it all. Really, truly, actually live a healthier lifestyle. Really, truly, actually work to reverse your diseases. We can encourage each other to be our best versions of ourselves. Set a healthy example for your family, your children, your friends and co-workers. Get your vaccine, and most importantly practice loving kindness. We are all in this together- we are not each other’s enemies. We are a community, we are humanity. Let’s all do our best, together, and do it all, together, for each other.
In This Together

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