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I love supplements. Nutrients and herbs provide surprisingly amazing evidence-based results. There is tremendous value in these products and, as the world realizes this, it has become a booming industry. As you are probably aware, you can find supplements pretty much anywhere: online, the grocery store, and your neighbor and best friend may also be in on the game. But how do you know if what you are buying is actually what you are buying? How do you know whether or not you are getting a good product; a product that will work?

Not all supplements are created equal!

Not all supplements are created equal! Quality and efficacy can vary from brand to brand. Counterfeit items are all too common, as are companies wanting nothing other than to cash in on the cash-cow supplement industry. While supplements are generally safe to take, you want to make sure you are taking something that is actually going to help you.

I want to teach you to be savvy in your choices and get the most bang for your buck. In reality, it is pretty simple: purchase your supplements from a highly reputable professional-grade source; preferably with the advice of a Naturopathic Doctor, or other health professional who is well-trained in vitamins, nutrients, and herbs.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you buy supplements:

Many supplements are found to be contaminated or have inappropriate ingredients. For example, herbs from China and India are notoriously contaminated with heavy metals. Many less expensive supplement brands may be using poorly absorbed ingredients like forms of iron that are not absorbable (best to use iron bisglycinate or heme iron), or synthetic forms of folic acid (you need methyl-folate) or vitamin E (you MUST use tocotrienols only). While ingredients that are not high quality are cheaper, they are simply not as effective, and, in some cases, can be harmful and have very little to no therapeutic effect.

Question about supplements

Another common issue is supplements that contain ingredients in amounts that do not have any therapeutic value. Or, they have inappropriate combinations of ingredients. A single capsule can only contain so much, so when there are lots of healthy ingredients listed on the label it may be that each ingredient is good on its own, but together in a big combination, the amounts are so little that they really do not have any effect at all.

While most supplements are considered generally safe, you should be cautious. You don’t know what you are going to get when purchasing items that are sold direct-to-consumer from a friend or online, from a grocery store, a health food store, gym, or online supplement store or even Amazon.

Do not rely on advice from your friends, the salesperson at the local health food store, or even yourself when it comes to making decisions about your health. When it comes down to it, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, like myself, who is well educated in functional natural medicine, can help you make the best well-informed choices on what to take. It will actually save you a lot of time, suffering, and money to meet with a Naturopathic Doctor who can take a full history, run appropriate testing, and generate a personalized treatment plan. While Dr. Google is pretty good at making recommendations, knowing what you really need takes a skilled doctor with a medical education.

I highly discourage you from purchasing your supplements from sources like Amazon and eBay. If you talk to any professional grade supplement 

Naturopathic Doctor Supplement Consult

company, you will learn that these types of sales are illegal. These high-end supplement companies go to great lengths to keep their items from being sold online and with medical professionals only. There are reports of contaminated, mislabeled, and expired products being sold through such sites. These supplements are typically marked up well above retail, because they are being sold illegally, and they are likely not handled appropriately either (i.e. Is their fish oil stored in a dark, cool environment?)

Supplements are generally safe to take. However, there are some common drug/herb and drug/nutrient interactions. It is important to keep this in mind when you go to purchase supplements, and again, it is best to have a Naturopathic Doctor review your prescriptions before you start taking things you think would be good for you.

Let us help you get quality supplements

The Vail Valley Pharmacy is partnered with several professional-grade high end supplement companies. These companies do their due diligence in creating formulations that are both pure and effective. They are thoroughly researched, vetted, and are consistently third party tested for quality. I feel confident when I sell products from these companies I do not have to worry about contamination or counterfeit or poor quality ingredients. I also know these supplements are put together by teams of scientists and doctors that are experts in this field.

We are currently having a supplement sale! Enjoy 15% off all of our supplements- the highest-quality lines available on the market! Now through Nov 12, 2022.

We also have an online supplement store which gives you access to these high end professional-grade supplements when you are not physically present in our area.When you order from our online store, you can be confident that you will be getting the highest quality supplements available on the market. They are stored, handled, and delivered appropriately right to your door.

Our online supplement store will be having a sale soon! Black Friday/ Cyber Monday sale Nov. 25th – 29th 2022. You must have or create an account before Nov 25th to take advantage of our sale. Click here to register yourself now! https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/vailvp

Give me a call if you would like to find out what high quality supplements would benefit you and help improve your overall health.

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