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Sometimes it takes A LOT of motivation to get started on something; even on something that you know you should be doing. How many of us repeatedly say, “I’ll start tomorrow (or Monday, or next month, or next year)”? Or “I don’t have time, it takes too long, I’m not sure I can do it”?

Then, you have the whole psychology of wondering if whatever you want to achieve will actually work, or if you are doing it right, or if it is worth the effort, or if you will even be able to stick to it anyway.

The fact of the matter is that you have a lot more control over your health than you think you do.
You don’t have bad genes or bad luck.

Your exposome, every single thing that you are exposed to from the time you are in utero to the time of your death, is what influences your health. Your exposome, not anything else, determines which diseases you get.

Some things in your exposome are out of your control. Some things, specifically all your lifestyle choices, are very much in your control.

Lifestyle changes are essential to make a real difference in your health.

In order to make real changes to your health- regardless of the condition, you have to do the work. I don’t have any magic to dispense, no one does. But I have a lot of lifestyle medicine to teach, and I ask people to adhere to those changes in their lives and in taking the nutraceuticals that I recommend.

When they adhere to my advice, it usually works.

Making changes is the hardest thing that we do as humans. We have all probably tried diets and detoxes and supplements and exercise programs, medications and behavior modifications and fads and on and on. It is hard to make changes, and it is even harder to make those changes last.

It might feel like we start a healthy habit, begin to feel the difference, then fall out of our new healthy habit only to end up back where we were. It is hard, but it is easier if we do it together.

Stop putting yourself on the back burner. Stop putting yourself at the end of your to-do list.

It is time to make yourself a priority.

Weight Training

For 30 days, commit to eating a nutrient dense diet.

You will have the choice of following 2 different diets: low carb or keto. There are weekly menu plans, recipes, and grocery lists to take you through the entire 30 days. Doing this program while feeding your family? No problem- don’t cook separately, there is nothing on this that your kids/partner can’t or shouldn’t be eating, too!

For 30 days, adhere to the supplement plan.

Provided by one of my favorite supplement companies, this program provides a carefully planned nutraceutical protocol to support energy production, metabolism, detoxification, and longevity. The best part of this is that it is a pulsed program- you take the supplements Monday through Friday and then get the weekends off.

Supplements, melatonin and vitamins with fresh food
Exercise at high intensity

For 30 days, incorporate movement into your life.

Make the time for a morning walk, walking after meals, high intensity interval training, and/or strength training. The goal is 150 minutes a week.

For 30 days, check in with me on a dedicated free slack group for this reset.

You will gain access to it when you register for the program. This tool will help our group communicate with eachother. I will be posting photos of my own 30 Day Reset, education, and motivation, and I really hope you will, too!

Facebook Group
Exercise at high intensity

For 30 days, make yourself and your health a priority.

If you know you need more sleep, more stress management, more social interactions, more rest, more time alone, or whatever, we are going to do it!

30 Day Reset Program

$330/ person
Starting on Monday October 17
Must register by Friday September 30th.

Supplements will be delivered to the Vail Valley Pharmacy unless personal arrangements are made in advance.

You can absolutely do this from ANY location!

30 day reset button

Give me a call if you have any questions about this program.

Instagram @lizaklear
Facebook @drelizaklearman

Empowering Active People to Achieve Optimal Health Using Natural, Drug-free Solutions
Facebook @vailvalleypharmacy
More Than Just a Pharmacy

If you need help and guidance in your journey to better health, schedule your appointment today

Call me at 970-328-5678. to book your appointment today!