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I am pretty sure that I have told you how much I love cabbage. I try to add it to as many meals as possible because it is so yummy both raw and cooked, and I love the purple color. 

My other favorite food is peanut butter. I literally have to ration it for myself because I could eat a whole jar of it without even thinking about it. So, I have to think about it.

Put the two together and to me, it is a party in my mouth. This salad is so yummy, crunchy, tasty, and, of course (like all my recipes) EASY!


2 cups shredded purple cabbage

2 cups chopped spinach

1 cup shredded carrots

1 cup bell peppers, chopped

½ english cucumber, chopped

2-3 green onions, chopped

Fresh cilantro

Shredded chicken or other protein (optional)

Roasted, salted peanuts (optional)


Assemble all the above ingredients into a big bowl.



2 T peanut butter

2 T rice vinegar

1 T coconut aminos

1 T honey

2 cloves garlic, chopped small

1 tsp fresh ginger root, minced

½ tsp crushed red pepper flakes

2 T water


Combine all the dressing ingredients in a high speed blender and blitz until smooth. Drizzle over the vegetables and top the salad with shredded chicken or other protein of your choice and some roasted, salted peanuts. YUM!

For more simple, delicious and healthy recipes, go to: https://drklearman.com/category/recipes/