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Most of the recipes on this website are Paleo, but I do follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which includes some beans. I love beans and like to incorporate them into my diet for some variety. Here is a good one that you can eat in lettuce wraps, a coconut wrap, a Siete tortilla, or a regular tortilla if you don’t follow any particular diet. You could even serve this in a bowl over chopped lettuce or some riced cauliflower!


Here’s what you need:

2 sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into matchsticks, tossed in olive oil, and sprinkled with salt and pepper
1 avocado, sliced
1 rotisserie chicken, shredded
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
1 T apple cider vinegar
2 cups black beans, cooked (I soak mine first or make sure you used canned that has been soaked before cooking)
2T cilantro, chopped
1t cumin
1 cup sour cream
1 T adobo


Preheat the oven to 425 and roast the sweet potatoes on a sheet tray for 20 minutes or until soft. Add in the shredded chicken the last 10 minutes or so, just to get the chicken heated.
Meanwhile, toss red onion with vinegar, set aside, and let the onion soak for a few minutes. In a separate bowl, mash together the black beans, cumin, cilantro, salt and pepper, set aside. In a small bowl, mix sour cream and adobo, set aside.

Assemble tacos with your wrap of choice, chicken, sweet potato, red onion, beans and sour cream. Top with fresh avocado and cilantro for a super simple, super delicious meal!

Find other delicious recipes from Dr. Klearman, click here.