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Many moons ago I was pregnant with my daughter and oh, so sick. I was also in my 5th year of Naturopathic Medical school and had world renowned doctors and herbalists as my teachers. I could hardly swallow capsules and was desperate to have a car ride that was not interrupted by an embarrassing stop on the side of the road. My professors were quick to recommend the incredible healing properties of ginger to help me.

I learned to make ginger tea. It saved me then and I still love it to this day- not just for nausea, but because it is delicious and warming and perfect for any cold winter day. I also think the tea is even more effective than ginger capsules or ginger candy.

This hardly qualifies as a recipe, but I want to share it because it is delicious and if, for any reason, you have nausea, it is actually proven to reduce the symptom of nausea by up to 40%.

All you have to do is grab a fresh ginger root and slice about an inch of it into coins. Put your fresh ginger into a small saucepan and add in a cup or so of filtered water. Bring the water to a simmer and continue to simmer it for 20 minutes. Strain the ginger root and enjoy your tea. This will make about 1 cup ginger tea, which is hardly ever enough. Adjust to your preferred dosage.

If you are feeling fancy, you can add a few slices of fresh turmeric, a few peppercorns, freshly squeezed lemon juice and or honey. All of these additions make for an even more delicious tea!

Click here to find out more about all the healing properties the Ginger Tea has to offer.

Find other delicious recipes to go with your Ginger Tea here.