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The best thing about Winter, for me, is not the champagne powder, the skiing, or the cozy nights in front of a fire. Nope. The best thing is the roasted vegetables. I actually love pretty much ANY vegetable that can be roasted, so it is fun to try to create a tasty combination because you really can’t go wrong.

I usually just toss with a glug of olive or avocado oil and sprinkle it with salt and pepper before roasting. This time, I decided to make it into a salad, so I added some kale and some homemade balsamic vinaigrette and made a great hearty winter salad.


    • 2 delicata squash
    • 1 lb brussels sprouts
    • Olive oil
    • 1 head of kale, sliced thin and massaged well
    • 1 medium apple, cubed
    • 75 g toasted pecans
    • Salt and pepper
    • 2 T balsamic vinegar
    • 1 T maple syrup or honey
    • 1 tsp dijon
    • 4 T olive oi


Preheat the oven to 400.

Take the delicata squash and cut it in half lengthwise. Scrape out the seeds, then slice the squash into little crescent moons about ¼ inch thick. Toss the squash onto an unlined baking sheet. Trim the Brussels Sprouts and cut them in half. Add them to the baking sheet with the squash. Add a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt, pepper and garlic powder. Mix with your hands to make sure the squash and brussels are well coated. Then arrange them on the sheet pan so the brussels sprouts are cut side down and the squash is in a single layer on the pan. We want enough room in between each vegetable to roast rather than steam. Put the sheet pan in the oven and set your timer for 30 minutes.

Wash the kale and slice into small strips. Put the kale into a serving dish and massage well. This means taking the kale into your hands and squeeze repeatedly, as if you were giving it a massage. This helps to break down the fibers in the kale and will turn the kale into a darker looking green color.

Mix up the dressing. Add to the kale and give it a good mix. When the veggies are done roasting, add those, along with the apple and pecans, to the kale and toss well.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, and serve!

For more simple, delicious and healthy recipes, go to: https://drklearman.com/category/recipes/

Hearty Winter Salad Recipe