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Butternut squash is one of my very favorite vegetables of all time. I find it creamy, sweet and so satisfying. I could probably eat an entire squash by myself! This recipe is another one that is super simple, but I make it often because it is an easy weeknight side dish.

I make this both in my oven and in the air fryer and will give you instructions for both!


1 butternut squash

1 T oil

Salt, to taste


If you are using the oven, preheat to 425.
If you are using the air fryer, set to about 400.

Peel the squash with a vegetable peeler. Cut off the ends of the squash, then cut it lengthwise in half. Scoop out and discard the seeds. Then, cut the squash in slices- I like it about ¼ inch thick, then cut each slice into small cubes, again about a ¼ inch square. This is the time consuming part of this meal, but I like the small cubes because the squash get nice and caramelized. 

Drizzle with the oil and toss to cover well. Sprinkle generously with salt.

Put your squash in the oven or air fryer and let it cook until the edges of the squash turn brown and get crispy looking. It will take about 40 minutes in the oven and about half that in the air fryer. Because the air fryer is like a small convection oven, the squash will get a bit more crisp, which is for sure my preference.


For more simple, delicious and healthy recipes, go to: https://drklearman.com/category/recipes/