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Being a Jewish mother, I have become adept at making a brisket on the important holidays. This year for Passover, I adapted a brisket recipe that I thought would be criminal not to share. If you like brisket, this one is a must try!The key to this one is that you really need to start this the day before you want to eat it. You will prep and cook for 2 ½ hours, then refrigerate it overnight. The next day, you will slice it, then finish cooking it for another hour.It will take some planning, but is well worth it and a delicious meal for a special occasion!


4-5 pound brisket (make sure there is a good amount of fat on it and do not trim it before cooking!) Salt and pepper 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 T fresh thyme 2 T avocado oil 2 onions, sliced 3 carrots, peeled and sliced into inch thick slices 3 celery stalks, sliced into inch thick slices 1 ½ cups red wine 1 T honey or date syrup 2 bay leaves


Start by generously salting your brisket. If you have time, generously salt and pepper, then let your brisket sit in the fridge overnight before cooking. If you don’t have overnight time, give as much time for it to sit with salt as possible before cooking.Remove the brisket from the fridge and bring it to room temperature before cooking.Heat your oven to 325.Heat a large Dutch oven over medium high heat. When it reaches temperature, add the avocado oil and the brisket to the pan. Allow it to sear, undisturbed for about 5 minutes, then flip it to sear each side of your brisket, getting a nice dark sear. If your brisket is too big to fit into your pan, you can cut it first and cook it in stages.Remove the meat from the pan and set aside.Add the wine, honey or date syrup, bay leaves, garlic and thyme, onions, carrots, and celery to your pan and let it simmer for a few minutes until the onions soften a bit and the wine reduces.Remove from the stove, add the meat back on top of the vegetables, then cover your Dutch oven with a lid. Put it in the oven and cook for 2 and a half hours.Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool, overnight, in the fridge. The next day, pull the meat from the pan and slice it. Place it back into the juices and return it to the oven, at 325, and finish cooking it for about an hour, or until the meat is tender.

For more simple, delicious and healthy recipes, go to: https://drklearman.com/category/recipes/