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Sauteed Cabbage with Sausage

Sauteed Cabbage with Sausage

I have been making this meal for years. It is my go-to quick, after work, too tired to cook tonight, meal. You just need to do a little bit of chopping, minimal clean up, and you will likely even have some leftovers. A Head of cabbage (green or purple – you...
Relief From Allergies, Naturally

Relief From Allergies, Naturally

Wipe your nose and dry your eyes! Natural allergy relief is safe and effective. Hay fever, or seasonal allergies, is caused by an immune response to allergens in the air.  At this time of year, the snow melts and the grasses, weeds and trees start to bloom. This...
The Problem with Indoor Air Quality

The Problem with Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality We often think of our home as a safe haven from the pollution that plagues outdoor air quality. The sad reality is that our indoor air quality is worse than outdoors. The air in your home is contaminated with pollutants, chemicals, noxious odors and...