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You Can Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline

You Can Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline

Can You Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline? I have spent the past several months getting my certificate in functional medicine for treating and even reversing cognitive decline. You read that right. Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are reversible. Hundreds, if not...
Preparing for Flu Season

Preparing for Flu Season

Ready for Flu Season? It is flu season! Every one of my patients, colleagues, friends, and acquaintances, asks me about getting the flu shot, and for good cause: getting the flu is flat-out awful. Every year, I wonder if choosing not to get vaccinated is the right...
CBD – How and Why to use it

CBD – How and Why to use it

What it CBD? You might have heard CBD being touted as the newest miracle plant. How do you know what to believe, why you would use it, and how do you  find a trustworthy source? CBD is short for cannabidiol, one of the many active compounds found in cannabis. There...
Altitude Adjustment

Altitude Adjustment

Altitude Sickness Visitors to our lovely mountains often struggle to adjust to the lower air pressure and lower oxygen levels. Altitude sickness is very real and can make the first few days of a visit quite uncomfortable. Altitude sickness is caused by the inability...