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IBS and Your Second Brain

IBS and Your Second Brain

A Second Brain? Your brain is the central part of your nervous system. It controls voluntary and involuntary muscle movement, thoughts and emotions, and orchestrates the complex symphony of neurotransmitters and hormones that determine who we are, how we think, and...
Could Your Health Be Affected By SIBO?

Could Your Health Be Affected By SIBO?

What is SIBO? Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, or SIBO, is a chronic infection in the small intestine, and even though you might not have problems with digestion, it could be affecting your health. The small intestine is where you absorb most of your nutrients,...
How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Health is a factor of many things: our genetics, our environment, and our lifestyle choices. While genetics are hard to change, we can alter their expression with a healthy lifestyle and a clean environment. But delving into lifestyle and...
Cleansing Through Detox – Why and How

Cleansing Through Detox – Why and How

Why Detox? Chemicals are everywhere.  They are in our air, water, food, and in our homes. Chemicals are in our personal care products, our cleaning supplies, and in our furniture.  Thousands of new synthetic chemicals come onto the market each year with no safety...