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An Easy Make Ahead Recipe

A great simple recipe with very little prep time! Perfect for these cold, snowy days!

1 3-4 pound pork shoulder roast
1 cup dried figs, diced
1 cup water
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 8oz package of bacon

1. Combine the diced figs, water, and maple syrup in a small sauce pan. Turn the stove on medium and heat until it is simmering. Let the figs simmer for about 10 minutes until they are nice and soft.
2. Place the roast in your crock pot and sprinkle with salt and pepper
3. Cover the roast with the fig mixture, pressing it so that is sticks to the top and sides of the roast
4. Lay the bacon strips on top of the figs
5. Set the crock pot to low and let it cook for 8-10 hours

So, so good!