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I make this for dinner at least once a week and my daughter cannot get enough of it. When I tell her it is taco salad night, she responds that she loves me – EVERY TIME. So not only do I get the satisfaction of watching my baby eat a healthy, balanced meal, but I also get extra love. I am listing all the ingredients that I use for my own salad (I omit the spicy stuff for my daughter), but  you can omit any listed ingredient that you are not a fan of.

The last time I made this salad, a very good friend of mine brought me limes from her California lime tree. Did you know that there are certain limes that are yellow when they ripen? Yep, these are sweet limes, less acidic than your standard key lime or tahiti lime.  I highly recommend these if you could find them. That being said, I typically make this dish with green limes which are just as good on this salad.


2 cups organic lettuce of your choice (i prefer mixed), chopped
3 organic roma tomatoes, chopped
1/2 organic English cucumber, chopped
1 organic red, orange or yellow pepper, chopped
2 ripe avocados, sliced
1 large jalepeno, chopped
1/4 cup organic cilantro, chopped
6 oz frozen organic corn kernals, defrosted
6 oz. organic black beans, cooked (or canned)
1/8 cup jumbo black olives, sliced
1 long squirt of olive oil or avocado spray
2 limes, squeezed
ground salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup sour cream (optional)

2 grilled chicken cutlets, sliced 
2-5 oz. grilled or blackened salmon filets
1/2 lb ground beef, sauted


Toss all the ingredients together, sprinkle with salt and pepper, mix 1/8 cup water with 1/4 cup sour cream until loose consistency and pour over the salad. Delicious, healthy, simple, well-balanced. ENJOY!!

For more simple, delicious and healthy recipes, go to: https://drklearman.com/category/recipes/