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This cheesy shredded chicken recipe is for those who do not fear the rich and decadent!


1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
2 T cream cheese
1 T fresh (or 1t dried) parsley, minced
1 T fresh (or 1t dried) tarragon, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup water
6 strips bacon, cooked and diced


Add everything but the bacon to an instant pot.  Seal and set on manual for 11 minutes.  Let it natural release. Shred the chicken with 2 forks. Stir in the bacon. You could also make this is a crockpot, add all ingredients except for the bacon. Just cook on low for 4 hours, then stir in the bacon. Serve with a veggie of your choice—with this dish, mine would be broccoli!