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Does This Mole Look Funny?

Does This Mole Look Funny?

Keep an Eye on Your Moles While Vitamin D (and sunshine) are important for your health, it’s good practice to keep an eye on your skin for any signs of cancer. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Some skin cancers are relatively benign,...
Suntans, Vitamin D, and Disease Prevention

Suntans, Vitamin D, and Disease Prevention

Why is Skin Cancer still here? In the US, about 87,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed and about 10,000 melanoma-related deaths occur each year. Melanoma is the least common and most dangerous form of skin cancer. Other skin cancers are more benign, more common,...
How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Health is a factor of many things: our genetics, our environment, and our lifestyle choices. While genetics are hard to change, we can alter their expression with a healthy lifestyle and a clean environment. But delving into lifestyle and...